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Digital photography tips and tricks that will make your shots picture perfect

| April 29, 2010 2:00 PM

In today's digital world, cameras give people instant gratification. Ten years ago, digital camera technology was still being developed and people had to take film to a store to get their photos developed. Now all you have to do is plug your camera into your computer and you can easily upload and print pictures from the comfort of your own home.

If you've taken any formal photography classes, you probably have a pretty good understanding of the way different types of cameras operate. However, if you haven't, or if you need a refresher, here is a short guide to operating your digital camera and taking quality photographs.

How to operate your digital camera

Read the owner's manual and get to know your camera inside and out. Once you become familiar with the settings and options on your camera, you will be able to take better pictures. You should be able to adjust the settings according to lighting and color to ensure that you take the best picture possible in each situation. The normal or basic setting on many digital cameras is "auto." This option will automatically place your camera on the best setting. If you don't have an owner's manual for your digital camera, search online.

Learning how to take a clear picture

Have you ever taken a picture that turned out blurry and you couldn't understand why? The following steps can help you fix blurry pictures:

1. Make sure your camera is focused before snapping a picture.

2. Use proper lighting techniques. If a room offers ample light, do not use a flash. If a room is darker, a flash is required.

3. Knowing what setting your camera should be on can help in capturing a clearer photograph. For example, the "action" setting will allow you to take a photo of a person or an object in motion.

4. Keep your hand steady while holding the camera.

5. Take your time. If you rush and take a photograph quickly, your picture could turn out blurry.

Instantly review and retake photos

Did someone make a funny face or did you snap the photo when someone was blinking? Before, you would have to wait until you got the pictures back from a film developer to see these imperfections. One of the biggest advantages of a digital camera is that if you don't like a photograph, you can simply delete it and take another.

How to hold your digital camera

Some of the best pictures are taken when the camera is in an abnormal position. However, most people will hold a digital camera in the standard position. Be creative with your shots. Explore different angles and try to find a unique way to take your photographs. It is important to remember to adjust your cameras setting accordingly.

Digital camera memory

Instead of film, a memory card is used in a digital camera. These cards come in a variety of sizes depending on your storage needs. Digital cameras come with a connection cord that makes it easy to connect the camera to a computer. Once the pictures are saved on your computer, you can delete the photographs off the memory card. This process will free up room on the memory card to allow for additional photos.

Capturing important moments with your digital camera doesn't have to be just a hobby. If you find that you have a passion and talent for taking pictures, you may want to consider pursuing a photography degree. There are a wide variety of photography schools to choose from, so you can easily find one to both challenge and excite you.

Information in this article was provided by the International Academy of Design %26 Technology - Tampa. Contact IADT - Tampa today if you're interested in developing marketable knowledge and career-relevant skills with an industry-current degree program. (IADT - Tampa does not guarantee employment or salary.)

Courtesy of ARAcontent