Wednesday, January 15, 2025

College Republicans release poll numbers

| April 23, 2010 9:00 PM

David Bergman

Gonzaga College Republicans

Special to the Herald

In conjunction with the 2010 Washington State College Republican Convention, the Gonzaga University College Republicans and the Spokane County Republican Party co-sponsored a US Senate Candidate Forum for the front running Republican candidates currently challenging incumbent Democrat Senator Patty Murray. Numerous candidates were not invited, as the Gonzaga College Republicans focused on selecting from candidates deemed most likely to win the primary.  Unfortunately, Craig Williams was unable to attend due to a conflict in his work schedule. Sean Salazar opted to spend the weekend focused on the west side of the state, rather than accepting a request to speak before the gathering of College Republicans from across the state, in the county that contains the largest concentration of elected republicans in the state. Chris Widener was also unable to attend.

2 straw polls were performed after the event. One included the attendees of the event, the other only College Republicans in attendance from universities across Washington State. The results were as follows:

In the Straw Poll results for all attendees the results were: Didier 75%, Akers 10%, Coday 9%, Benton 5%,

In the Straw Poll results of College Republicans only, the results were:Didier 60%, Coday 25%, Akers 10%, Benton 5%