POLICE Reader concerned about speeding drivers
I have been a Moses Lake resident for three years. I currently reside off of Westshore Road and Road 4. I drive to Wenatchee 6 nights per week for work. My nightly route starts on Road 4, until I hit Dodson, then on to Road 5 which puts me on Adams Road. I am fully aware that the speed limit on those county roads are 55 mph. My problem is, and this is has been on more than one occasion, I have witnessed Grant County Police Officers speeding excessively.
I have been a Moses Lake resident for three years. I currently reside off of Westshore Road and Road 4. I drive to Wenatchee 6 nights per week for work. My nightly route starts on Road 4, until I hit Dodson, then on to Road 5 which puts me on Adams Road. I am fully aware that the speed limit on those county roads are 55 mph. My problem is, and this is has been on more than one occasion, I have witnessed Grant County Police Officers speeding excessively. And in all the times I have seen this, not one officer had his lights flashing to let citizens know there is an emergency. On March 17, 2010 I was driving to work and I noticed there is a Grant County Police Officer ahead. I knew instantly the officer was speeding. Out of curiosity I wanted to know just how fast he was going. I was approximately 2 car lengths behind him when I myself was going almost 80 mph! That means the officer was going at least 85 mph! No, lights, no flashers, nothing. Why is it okay for these officers to speed around these county roads like this? It seems just a month or so ago, a Deputy died at the stop sign on Road 5 that crosses a highway? Was he speeding too? If you look at his tracks, its clear you can see that he was going at a high rate of speed. There was no further investigation released to the public on what actually caused his accident. I am curious to know. I am just sickened that the officers around here on these county roads get away with this.
Jennifer Serio
Moses Lake