Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Reader tired of government officials

| September 10, 2009 9:00 PM

Trends I see now:

Republicans will Co-opt the idea Americans want to start over with all newly elected officials in the United States Federal Government thinking that Americans are still so stupid to not see them as complicit on the anti American anti Constitutional, anti freedom, agenda. This has gone on for too long… No excuses The Republicans are so excited like animals smelling blood in the water, watching the Dems act so traitorous! They better realize its their blood too that they smell!!! We the PEOPLE know the Republican Leadership are just as guilty as the other side and WE THE PEOPLE WANT THEM ALL OUT!

We know they will do a scramble to save their … uh… uh… places in the Marxist revolution and New World Order.

Our roll here as Patriots means we will not be so naive that our current elected government, Republican or Democrat, will have a change of heart. They want to keep their seat at the feeding trough of American Political corruptions and stealing of American treasures and dreams for personal power and gain.

Shorthand for today….. They don’t get who Americans are? Nor do they understand who we will always be! Evidence now suggests they don’t really understand or remember that we have died in the past in order not to become a land or people under tyranny ever again.

Our roll is now clear! The Globalist, in metaphorical or literal sense, will not kill us and we will not willingly be led to the gas chambers. We will not be run over by the Marxist radicals circling the white house. You will not take away our inward strength with any insults or humiliation any longer. Basically hear this clearly anyone that would not understand our words. We will expose your arrogance contained in your errors and mistaken judgment of America and it people. … WHEN AMERICANS SAY IN UNISON that’s ENOUGH, then that is exactly what Americans mean! Yes we have been distracted and tired of our Government and felt that we were disaffected and helpless to “CHANGE” our leaders and lawmakers…. No longer … no more … are backs are now put to the wall of historical truth. Think the Republic will stand once again on the side of its’ wonderful founders and The Constitution? Still betting against the American spirit? Others bet and lost…

Kit Jors

Moses Lake