Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| September 10, 2009 9:00 PM

My husband tells the story of a young couple who never wanted to give their child a direct order.  When it was time for bed, the issue was approached by:  Do you want to take your teddy bear or your blanket to bed with you?

When the boy turned four, he wanted to go outside.  Apparently knowing the answer to the direct question, he asked his mother:  Do you want me to go out the front door or the back door?

American citizens, I ask you the question:

Have you figured out yet that politicians are not asking you direct questions any more?

Have you figured out yet that is not unpatriotic to confront a bunch of dishonest, incompetent, overpaid, underworked “servants of the people” with the reality that is health care?

Or, have you decided that you will remain a child forever and keep looking for a sugar daddy to hand you all the things you think you want?

If citizens do not start growing up and demanding the right to live their own lives without “public servant” interference, then we deserve the plantation we will be relegated to.

If you are content to settle for whatever a “public servant” will provide you, are you willing to sell your children and posterity into that same slavery, where the servant has become master?

The “public servants” are preparing to break every contract they have saddled us with.  There will be no social security, no medicare, and we have known that for a very long time.

To cling to our “rights” because of 1933 and 1965 is to condemn our children to slavery.

Every government program has used borrowed money – our only collateral is US land, people and resources.

Think about it. How old are you really?

Cowboy up!

Mary Seaman

Soap Lake