Thursday, March 06, 2025

Grant County Prosecutor

| October 29, 2009 9:00 PM

I am writing this letter to show my support of Angus Lee. In all of my conversations with him I have been extremely impressed with his personal character and his core values. There seems to be a great deal of mud slinging in the papers regarding Angus. I am not here to validate or deny any of conflicts in the papers. I am here to support a man that has given a portion of his life to fight (literally) for the freedoms of other people. My deepest thanks to a man of his caliber to serve our country. Having lived in a foreign country for a few years I learned the value of our freedoms and the importance of law and order. I believe his time spent overseas has also given him a better perspective of the importance of a properly functioning justice system. I also feel his leadership role in the military has prepared him for this job. I looked at the qualifications of the other candidate and did not find that kind of training in his past, or any similar training to be a manager. I believe the track record we see of this past year is merely a small glimpse of the kind of performance we will see from him in the future.

Having looked this man square in the face and visited with him several times I recommend that he be elected as Grant County’s Prosecutor.

We may not be able to change a lot of things that happen in D.C. however we can put a good man in office at home.

Kennon Forester

Royal City