Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| October 15, 2009 9:00 PM

I am a disabled veteran who served in the U.S. Army for three years. I was medically discharged in 1998. Since my discharge I have worked on my case with the local chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA). Since I started working with them on my case, my case has had few hiccups, if any, until recently.

My advocate decided that I wasn’t worth his time or attention anymore. I was told by my advocate that I was a baby and that I was a whiner. When I started defending myself to him he told me to get out of his office and that I wasn’t worth the paper they printed my file on. I feel that, as my advocate, whether he agreed with my case or not he had no right to say these things to me.. His job is to be my voice in the VA system. If a vet feels he has a case, our advocates are there to support us.

It has come to my attention that he has done this to many other vets and I have actually heard him tell another vet to get out of his office. Granted that vet was argumentative and frustrated with the system. Again, as an advocate, he had no right to say these things to vets. This type of attitude only hurts us in our cause or causes.

It’s time for a change at our local Vietnam Veterans of America office and I would like to ask all the vets that he has spurned to call the main office for Vietnam Veterans of America and get him removed.

James Hash

Moses Lake