Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| October 1, 2009 9:00 PM

We love letters to the editor. They are a great way to voice opinions about our life in the Columbia Basin.

We also enjoy the feedback readers provide to stories we post online.

Writers of Internet comments often spark wonderful debate, bring up various viewpoints and multiple sides of a discussion.

Some of our news stories and all of our editorials, guest editorials and letters are posted on our Web site at

Below are selected comments posted online:

Concerning a Doberman biting an 8 year old girl in Moses Lake:

Doberman owner wrote: “Agreed, that the dog should have been leashed, and that the owner should have been watching the dog’s body language, but the child should have been taught to respect adults and pets. I don’t live there so was basing my earlier comments on what was presented in the article. The dog should not be put down but turned over to a rescue (agency) who would socialize it properly, and place it in a responsible home. If the information stated in some of the comments below is accurate, then all of the adults involved — owner and parents — are equally at fault for this accident. The dog and the child are the victims.”

Mr. Obvious wrote: “The dog is … a dog. The kid is … a kid. Accidents happen. There is no need for training either the animal, dog owner, child or parents. Relax. The posturing with arrogant statements is way over the top. The way these comments are going, next PETA is going to protest the child for torturing the poor puppy … relax. A young dog nipped a child. It’s happened to many of us and we survived.”

On Moses Lake being listed as a potential site for Boeing:

Dan wrote: “Not a chance. I have been deeply involved in siting several large manufacturing projects and can tell you flat out that there is almost no place worse for doing business than Washington state. The liberal eco-schmucks have added so many taxes and regulations that the cost of opening a new facility and employing workers here is far higher than almost anywhere else. Boeing moved it’s headquarters to Chicago a few years back, and they already know they will not be investing in this socialist (place) again. Now you Kool-Aid drinkers can pile on.”

NSK: “Dan is 100% correct. Washington is not the most business friendly state to deal with, on many levels. Boeing is only tossing in a few extra options to make it look like they covered all their bases. In the end, (South Carolina) has been their choice from the start.”

On Robbie Joe Marcher being convicted of shooting deputy Earl Romig:

Jason wrote: “I’m glad that justice has happened for that family. My only comment is to the Marcher family. How can you even say that you are disappointed in the verdict? My thought is if you shoot a person, you should do the time. I don’t believe for one second that he thought that Romig was a coyote. I have been hunting for years and know the difference. And he shouldn’t of even been around firearms. I also think his father should be placed in jail for aiding a convicted criminal.”

Fuzzyslipperstoo wrote: “Had the victim died, Mr. Marcher would be facing a very different kind of charge and sentencing. He should thank his lucky stars and I agree he should be in prison.”

Lynne Lynch’s column about her husband being in a car wreck:

ML resident wrote: “I am sorry that he was in an accident, but am glad that you didn’t loose your husband! Things will look up! Just give it some time. Congratulations on the new baby! Hope all is well.”

Kyle Lynch wrote: “I think I am pretty lucky too! Thanks for being you. I love you.”

Commenting on a story is easy. Look for instructions at the bottom of the Web page. To start a discussion topic, write us a letter to the editor. You can fill in a form online, e-mail a letter to or mail it to us at 813 W. Third Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837. We ask they be no longer than 300 words and please include your full name, mailing address and a day time phone number.

Once it is printed, we will post it online where it can inspire debate.

— Editorial board