Thursday, March 06, 2025


| November 12, 2009 8:00 PM

I am writing to your newspaper to express my frustration with Doc Hastings, our Fourth Congressional District representative, who voted against passage of the Affordable Health Care for America Act (H.R. 3962), which passed the House of Representatives on Saturday, Nov. 7.

The fact that our elected representatives could come together in a bipartisan manner as they did to pass comprehensive health insurance reform is a historic moment.  Unfortunately Representative Hastings merely stood at the sidelines as the moment passed him by.

Rep. Hastings has a final chance to reconsider his opposition and to support reform when the final bill comes before the House, and I sincerely hope that he does reconsider his prior opposition.

It is high time that Doc Hastings gets with the program and supports health care reform.

Jennifer K. McCarthy

Moses Lake