Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| July 31, 2009 9:00 PM

After being born and raised in a conservative-postured Washington State; I returned in 2005 to find liberal progressive San Francisco/ Sierra Club politics and morals running rampant. I have since corrected a big mistake through action, and moved back to Tennessee. What a relief: no more ridiculously high property taxes and increases just to cover a never-ending illegal alien influx or services that no one really wants. Christmas is still celebrated as a Christian Holiday period. Naked bicycling is never permitted, and homosexuality is still immoral period. The worst thing I found was that nobody, and I mean nobody really gave a damn; just went along with the overthrow of a once respected State which is now a laughing stock that is storied in the national news almost daily. Good luck to the very few conservative (and I don’t mean Republican or Democrat, just Conservative) minded. Hopefully common sense will return, but I fear the State is going, going … yup, gone.

John Lepper

Clarksville, Tenn.

Originally published July 16, 2009