Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| July 31, 2009 9:00 PM

My father, Sydney W. Bennett was killed in World War II on April, 19, 1945, in Italy. I was able to travel and see his grave. I stood where he encountered a German sniper’s bullet. He fell far away from home and his three children, in a place of great beauty where no birds sang. I stood where he died and watched birds fly over the valley and sing again. He died so that place could be as it was the day I found it 50 years later.

When I told Italians that my father died and was buried there, I was overwhelmed by their reaction. They would hug me and cry saying, “Thank you, Thank you for your father! Thank you Americans!” Despite the language barrier, we understood the heart felt gratitude pouring out of tear filled eyes and the reverence they held for our fathers and our families sacrifice.

Now, I watch as Americans sit silently by and let this country be taken over by people who want to change our government to one where our freedoms are restricted and the government is sovereign in our lives. We are losing our personal and economic freedoms at a stunning rate as Congress and President pass new laws, spending money we don’t have, putting us into perpetual debt to China, and burdening Americans forever with new taxes of every variety.

I believe we can make a difference and stop this. The answer is in unity and being willing to stand up and be counted. There will be another Tea Party Rally on July 1 at the Twin Towers Memorial beginning at 4:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Come. Celebrate the freedom of speech we still have, only because people like my father fought for it and died for it!

Ann Bennett Mix

Moses Lake

Originally published June 18, 2009