Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| July 31, 2009 9:00 PM

You are President of the United States, a country that I love and am proud to be a loyal citizen.

This country was founded by people, who based its principles on God-given beliefs. That is why they came here, to worship God, be loyal to him and their chosen county.

Not freedoms from deviancy to God’s admonishments as in same-sex “marriage,” breaking commandments by murdering unborn children, permitting bullying of students, and other God-forbidden acts, such as dishonesty.

During your campaign you promised change. What kind? Your appointees are an embarrassment to folks like me. Most are tarnished by their own actions. If we all followed their examples we would be in trouble with our own government!

Can we say we are grateful your mother did not choose to abort you or Michelle or your daughters?

What if we  performed like Geitner and Daschal and others of their ilk. This country would be in greater financial straits than we are.

Let’s have some real change. A return to morality, honesty, integrity and decency. How about a real demonstration of statesmanship?

America has given you, Mr. Obama, a chance for real change. American statesmanship.

America for Americans and would-be wanna-be Americans, who honor God and what he has shown us how he wants us to be.

 If America is so bad, why do so many come here and want to change it for their former country’s ways? Why not just return, live their lives there, wreaking their malevolence on their own kind?

Why not re-open Alcatraz and put Guantanamo inmates there? Why not put more of our own hardened criminals there instead of building prisons?

What is wrong with water boarding if it forces terrorists to talk? It is far less than they have done or would do, given the opportunity.

Rosie Sonnichsen

Moses Lake

Originally published July 16, 2009