Thursday, March 06, 2025


| July 31, 2009 9:00 PM

Yea! Finally, we in Grant County have several people in the race for county prosecutor. I feel a need to finally tell what I learned when our daughter was in law school. She was raised in the Moses Lake school system and received her AA from Big Bend. I thought it would be right and good if she returned to Grant County when she got her law degree. She had other thoughts. She repeatedly told us that she would work anywhere but Grant County. The reason being is that the law professors used Grant County as a lesson for what not to do. The legal system in Grant County was used as a joke. She was also warned about the “good old boy club” that was in the county. No, she did not want to have anything to do with having Grant County on her resume.

How sad that we expect our prosecutors to give good advice and follow the law. They have not and made the residents of Grant County pay for their mistakes and left criminals on the streets.

It is good to see that the county commissioners placed their faith in Mr. Lee and he is trying to fix the mess.

Debbie Mullin

Moses Lake

Originally published June 18, 2009