Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| December 17, 2009 8:00 PM

Not sure about your household but it seems to my family that times are tough and there appears to be more month than money in our budget.  That being said my wife and I are fortunate in that we are both employed but we are buying less and curbing some of our recreational activities because our budget is tight.  

Unfortunately our Washington State senators do not have our budget in mind.  At this time Senators Cantwell and Murray are working hard at raising everyone’s taxes that receive medical insurance from their employer.  In the proposed Senate version for healthcare reform they are supporting increased taxes on the value of the medical insurance all of us receive from our employers.  Additionally taxes will be added to insurance companies that supply our healthcare insurance and will most likely be passed on to our employers… and us.

If the Senate bill passes as written, all of us will begin paying these additional taxes on our employer provided medical insurance next year and none of this will tax deductible.  Any benefits we may receive are scheduled for years later. 

Please join these two registered nurses in contacting Senators Cantwell and Murray explaining we cannot afford additional taxes; yes we want sensible healthcare reform, but increasing taxes at this time of a frail economy is a wrong idea.

Michael and Janet Cloke

Clarkston, Wash.