Central Washington Asphalt, Incorporated, P.O. Box 939, Moses Lake, WA 98837, is seeking coverage under the Washington State Department of Ecology's General Permit for Storm Water Quality Associated with Sand and Gravel Operations, and Similar Mining Operations, Including Stockpiles of Mined Materials, Concrete Batch Operations for a concrete batch plant. The plant will be covered under the permit to operate at the Hiawatha Pit located at 2101 Hiawatha Road NE.
The permit will require a site evaluation demonstrating ability to comply with permit conditions and documentation that applicable SEPA, air quality, and local government requirements have been satisfied.
The concrete batch plant will be operated by AAA ReadyMix, Inc. II, and has a design capacity of 150 cubic yards per hour. No process water will be generated by the operation of this equipment. Stormwater may be discharged to ground or surface waters according to monitoring schedules and discharge limits set forth in the Permit. Monitoring will be required of any on-site accumulation or discharged of stormwater from a site during active operating status.
Any interested party is invited to submit written comments on the proposed permit coverage. Comments must be submitted within thirty (30) days after the last publication date of this notice to be considered for the Final Determination. Publication dates of this notice are September 18, 2008 and September 25, 2008. Comments should be sent to: Department of Ecology, Eastern Regional Office, Water Quality Permit Coordinator, 4601 N. Monroe, Spokane, WA 99205-1295.
The Sand & Gravel General Permit, fact sheet, and other related documents are available at the Departments' Eastern Regional Office for inspection and copying between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays. Copies may be obtained at a charge of 15 cents per copy sheet. Information concerning the Sand & Gravel General Permit is also available on the Internet at:
Please bring this information to the attention of persons you know would be interested in this matter. Ecology is an equal opportunity agency. If you have special accommodation needs, contact the Water Quality Permit Coordinator at (509) 329-3537 or TDD (only) (509) 329-3569.
Additionally, the Ecology Air Quality Program has received a General Order application and a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist from AAA Readymix, Inc. II for the installation of a readymix concrete plant located at the Hiawatha Pit near Moses Lake, Grant County. Ecology is the SEPA lead agency for this project and has determined under Chapter 197-11 WAC that it will not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) has been issued for the project on September 12, 2008. Copies of the DNS and Environmental Checklist are available for public review upon request at the above Ecology address. The public is invited to comment on the project proposal by submitting written comments postmarked within 14 days of this notice to Gregory Flibbert at the above Ecology address. A public hearing may be held if there is significant public interest in the proposed project.
Pub.: September 18, 25, 2008