Sunday, December 15, 2024


| May 12, 2008 9:00 PM

Beasley Radio Site Construction and Improvement Project

The Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC)

Grant County 911 Dispatch Center

Responses due: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 on or before 11:00 am

The Grant County Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC) is soliciting an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for construction and improvement of a radio site facility for the public safety radio communications system.

For total bid package contact:

Dean Hane

Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC 911)

6500 32nd Avenue NE, Suite 911

Moses Lake, WA 98837

509-760-2142 or email


Pub.: May 9, 12, 2008

Notice of Rescheduled Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that Grant County has rescheduled the public hearing for the following project:

A request for a Variance was received on March 21, 2008 from RCB Family Partnership LLC (Designated Contact: Ken Toevs, 9525 Road U NW, Quincy, WA 98848, 509-884-4056), and was found to be technically complete and preliminarily appears to be consistent with the Unified Development Code and other applicable State and local requirements as of March 27, 2008. PROJECT: Proponent seeks a Variance to the requirement limiting the size of roadside fruit stands to 300 square feet as defined by UDC Chapter 23.08.340(a)(1), in order to enable expansion of an existing fruit stand. Proposed expansion would increase its size to 3,010 square feet. SEPA: Exempt. ADDITIONAL PERMITS: Building Permit. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. LOCATION: The site address of the subject parcel is 10024 Road U NW, Quincy, WA. It is also known as Lot 3 of T & T Farms Inc. Short Plat #2, is located NW of the intersection of State Highway 28 and Road U NW; and is a portion of S 9, T 20 N, R 23 E, WM., Grant County, WA. (Parcel # 31-2997-000) ZONING: Agriculture. Required mitigation will be pursuant to the Unified Development Code. RESCHEDULED OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING: Board of Adjustment hearing, 7 pm, June 11, 2008 in the Commissioners Hearing Room, at the Grant County Courthouse, 35 C Street NW, Ephrata, WA 98823. At this time any person(s) may appear and provide testimony. Copies of the application materials (File #08-5049) are available from RoseMary Dart, Assistant Planner at the Grant County Planning Department at 32 C St. NW, Room 26a, P.O. Box 37, Ephrata WA 98823, (509) 754-2011 extension 614; office hours are 8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5pm, Monday - Friday. Any person has the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code.


Pub.: May 12, 2008


Notice is hereby given that a Site Plan Review application was received on April 24, 2008, from Jeff and Robin Curtis, P. O. Box 956, Mattawa, WA 98349, The application was found technically complete and preliminarily appears to be consistent with Unified Development Code and other applicable state and local requirements as of May 7, 2008.

PROJECT: Construction of a 3 unit air space condominium on a 33,734 sq. ft. parcel in the Planned Unit Development of Desert Aire, in the "Rural Village Residential zoning district of Grant County. LOCATION: Subject area is located on Lot #1, of the Replat of Desert Aire Condominiums and is in a portion of the SE quarter of S. 22, T. 14N, R. 23E, WM, Grant County, WA (Parcel #21-1690-000).

PROJECT PLANNER: Billie M. Sumrall

Copies of application materials (File #08-5087) are available from Billie M. Sumrall, Grant County Planning Department, 32 C St. NW, Room 26a, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 396. Office hours: 8 am-12 noon, 1-5 pm, M-F.

Comments must be submitted to Planning Department no later than 5 pm, June 16, 2008. Comments should be as specific as possible and mailed, hand-delivered, or sent by facsimile. Any person has the right to comment, receive notice, participate in hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials.


Pub.: May 12, 2008