Sunday, December 15, 2024


| March 11, 2008 9:00 PM

The Grant County Homeless Taskforce will be meeting on March 18th at 1:00 PM in Rm 407 at Samaritan Hospital. The Emergency Shelter Grant Program Application and allocation for Grant County for 2008 will be discussed at this meeting and all qualified stakeholders are invited to attend.


Pub.: March 4, 11, 2008


Grand Coulee Radio Site Construction and Improvement Project

The Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC)

Grant County 911 Dispatch Center

Responses due: March 18, 2008 on or

before 11:00 am

The Grant County Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC) is soliciting an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for construction and improvement of a radio site facility for the public safety radio communications system.

For total bid package contact:

Dean Hane

Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC 911)

6500 32nd Avenue NE, Suite 911

Moses Lake, WA 98837

509-760-2142 or email


March 7, 10, 11, 2008


Grant County Fire District No. 10

Royal City, WA


Notice is hereby given that Grant County Fire District No. 10 is updating their Small Works Roster list.

The Small Works Roster will be used to solicit and secure telephone and/or written quotations/bids for public works and improvements as provided under RCW 35.23.352

All vendors, contractors, suppliers, or parties requesting inclusion on the Small Works Roster shall submit a letter to GRANT COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT NO. 10, ATTENTION, DISTRICT SECRETARY, PO BOX 220 ROYAL CITY, WA 99357 requesting the necessary form.


March 10, 11, 12, 2008


"In accordance with RCW 42.30, Special Meetings, notice is hereby given that during Calendar Year 2008 the Board of Commissioners of the Port of Moses Lake will be conducting study sessions between the hours of Noon - 2:00 p.m., local time, at the Terminal Building, Grant County International Airport, on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month for the purpose of yet to be determined matters of the Port District. At the above time and place, any taxpayer or member of the news media is welcome to participate in this session.

Craig L. Baldwin

Executive Manager"


March 11, 2008


Sealed bids will be received by the Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County at the District's Hydro Administration Office located at 15655 Wanapum Village Lane SW, Beverly, Washington until 2:30 P.M., on March 25, 2008 for Supplying Nine (9) Field Pole Bodies in accordance with Contract Documents 270-2541.

On the above date, the Bids will be opened and read aloud at the District's Office located at 15655 Wanapum Village Lane SW, Beverly, Washington, 99321. All bids shall be subject to and shall comply with the "Instructions to Bidders" contained in the Contract Documents, copies of which are available at our Ebid site When reaching this site you will need to register as a new vendor if you are not already on our electronic vendor system.



By Rebecca Henricks

Contract Officer


March 11, 2008


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Grant County has received a Variance request from Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vey, of Kirkland, Wa The proponents are seeking a variance from the 20 foot setback requirement from a County Road to an 18 foot setback for the location of a covered deck on Lot #103, Rim Rock Cove, Division 1. on Blue Lake. The lot is within an approved Planned Unit Development and is zoned Shoreline Development 3, located in a portion of Section 29, Township 24 N., Range 27 E.W.M., Parcel #07-0983-000.

Planner: Billie M. Sumrall

An open record public hearing will be held before the Grant County Board of Adjustment at 7 p.m. on April 9, 2008, in the Commissioners Hearing Room, at the Grant County Courthouse in Ephrata, WA. At this time any person(s) may appear and be heard either for or against the Variance request. Copies of the application materials (file # 08-5031) are available for review from the Grant County Planning Department, P. O. Box 37, Ephrata, Washington, 98823. (509) 754-2011, Ext 396. Written comments may be submitted no later than 5 p.m. March 28, 2008, to Billie Sumrall at the above address. All comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, personally delivered or sent by facsimile. Any person has the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearing, request a copy of the final decision, and appeal the decision as provided by law.


March 11, 2008

City of Moses Lake

Notice of Application

and Public Hearing

On Behalf of Northwest Farm Credit Services; FCS Washington, LLC. submitted an application for site plan review on Feb. 27, 2008. The application was determined to be complete and ready for review on March 5, 2008.The proposal is to construct a new 9,184 square foot building, office space for a credit union, in the C-2, General Commercial & Business Zone. The site is located at 1501 Yonezawa Boulevard, legally described as the southern portion of parcel C, Lot 1, Block 1, Desertpoint Major Plat, CBSP 1st Amendment. The project has been determined to be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the following development regulations are applicable: Moses Lake Municipal Code (MLMC) Title 16: Building and Construction, Title 18: Zoning, and Title 20: Development Review Process.

The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on April 10, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at 401 Balsam Street. All interested persons are encouraged to attend and provide comment.

Written comments on this proposal will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on the date of the public hearing. Persons who want to be informed of future actions, or the final decision, on this proposal should provide their name and address to the project planner. The final decision on this proposal will be made within 120 days of the date of the notice of completeness and may be appealed according to the City appeal provisions specified in MLMC 20.11, Appeals. For more information call Billie Jo Stoutzenberger at 766-9267. Submit written comments by mail to City of Moses Lake Community Development Department, P.O. Box 1579, Moses Lake, WA 98837. Copies of the information related to this application are available for review at City Hall, 321 S. Balsam, Moses Lake.

Date of Notice: March 5, 2008


March 11, 2008