Adams, Grant County Republicans vote McCain
Unofficial results
COLUMBIA BASIN - Republican voters in Adams and Grant County both chose Sen. John McCain for the presidential nomination.
During Republican caucuses Grant County delegates chose Ron Paul and Adams County selected McCain.
The Republican party selects a presidential candidate with 49 percent determined by preliminary election results and 51 percent by Republican party delegates voting at the caucuses held Feb. 9.
The Adams and Grant County Auditor's Offices' released early results Tuesday night, based on the tabulation of mail-in ballots showing Republican voters nominated Sen. John McCain with 705 votes. Mike Huckabee came in second with 302 votes and Governor Mitt Romney came in third with 290 votes.
Grant County voters nominated McCain with 2,843 votes. Romney - who previously withdrew from the race - came in second with 1,653 votes and Mike Huckabee was third with 1,538 votes. Congressman Ron Paul was nominated as the presidential candidate during the Grant County Republican Caucus but received only 751 votes as of Tuesday night.
Preliminary primary election state results indicate McCain leads with 48 percent of the vote. Huckabee and Romney each have 21 percent of the vote. Paul received 8 percent of the state vote.
"The people have spoken and it appears they want Sen. McCain," Adams County Republican Party Chair Bob Fuller said. "It's the will of the people."
He said he isn't surprised McCain is ahead because he has extensive government experience and can relate to voters.
Grant County Republican Party Chair Tom Dent said the election continues to be interesting. He said the only constant aspect about the election is it keeps changing. Dent said he wasn't surprised McCain is leading Grant County but said he was surprised Romney came in second because he pulled out of the race several weeks ago.
Each election office still continues counting votes. There are 3,500 votes left to count in Grant County. It is unknown how many are left to count in Adams County.
There are 11,823 registered voters in Grant County and 2,642 registered voters in Adams County who took part in the primary election.