Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| December 18, 2008 8:00 PM

Sealed bids will be received by the Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County at Ephrata, Washington until 2:30 P.M., on January 7, 2009 for Contract to Process Insulating Oil and Vacuum Oil Fill Nine Power Transformers as more fully described in Contract Documents 130-2729.

On the above date, the Bids will be opened and read aloud at the District's Office located at 154 A Street SE, Ephrata, Washington, 98823. All bids shall be subject to and shall comply with the "Instructions to Bidders" contained in the Contract Documents, copies of which are available at our Ebid site When reaching this site you will need to register as a new vendor if you are not already on our electronic vendor system.



By: Betty Snell

Contract Officer


Pub.: December 18, 2008

Aviso Legal

Revisi—n Peri—dica Disponible al Pœblico

Se Aceptan Comentarios del 19 de diciembre, 2008 al 19 de enero, 2009

Cenex Supply & Marketing Inc. Sitio Rinsate

300 Division Street

Quincy, Grant County, Washington

Facility Site Id No. 33599645

El Departamento de Ecolog’a del Estado de Washington le invita a revisar y comentar sobre un documento titulado revisi—n peri—dica para el Sitio Rinsate, de Cenex Supply & Marketing, Inc. Una revisi—n peri—dica se lleva a cabo por lo menos cada cinco anos despu/s de que se inicia una acci—n de limpieza en el sitio, como es requerido por el Acta Modelo de Control de T—xicos (MTCA por sus siglas en ingles). Los objetivos de la revisi—n son el de evaluar las condiciones del sitio despu/s de que se considere que la limpieza ha terminado y el de asegurar la protecci—n de la salud humana y del medio ambiente.

CHS, Inc., anteriormente conocida como Cenex Harvest States, es el dueno actual de la propiedad y la entidad responsable de la limpieza en el sitio. CHS arrend— la propiedad antes de comprarla en 2004. El sitio fue usado originalmente como una instalaci—n para almacenar fertilizantes l’quidos y fumigantes para el suelo.

Investigaciones identificaron contaminaci—n en el agua subterr‡nea y suelo. CHS llev— a cabo varias acciones de limpieza para tratar niveles elevados de Compuestos Org‡nicos Vol‡tiles (VOCs por sus siglas en ingles) en el suelo y el agua subterr‡nea. Sistemas de tratamiento fueron instalados en 2001 para tratar la contaminaci—n, y se llevaron a cabo monitoreos.

El monitoreo dentro del ‡rea de tratamiento indica que niveles de VOC en el suelo y agua subterr‡nea han disminuido significativamente. Sin embargo, los VOCs en el agua subterr‡nea pendiente abajo del ‡rea fuente no han sido reducidos en forma efectiva. Acciones adicionales de limpieza son necesarias para lograr los objetivos listados en el Plan de Acci—n de Limpieza final y para asegurar que los VOCs no continœen migrando pendiente abajo.

Hay restricciones en el t’tulo de la propiedad. ƒstas limitan la forma en la que la propiedad puede ser usada y protegen los remedios en la limpieza que han sido implementados. Pozos de observaci—n instalados en 2007 mostraron VOCs disueltos en el agua subterr‡nea m‡s all‡ de los l’mites del sitio establecidos originalmente. Las restricciones en el t’tulo de la propiedad deben ser aumentadas para cubrir /stas ‡reas.

Usted puede revisar la Revisi—n Peri—dica y documentos asociados en los siguientes lugares:

WA Department of Ecology

4601 North Monroe

Spokane, WA 99205-1295

Llame a Kari Johnson para hacer una cita 509/329-3415

Quincy City Hall

Ms. Nancy Schanze

104 B Street Southwest

Quincy, WA 98848

Grant County Health District

Mr. Gerald Campbell

35 First and C Street

Ephrata, WA 98823

Sitio en Internet de Limpieza de T—xicos de Ecolog’a

Para asistencia en Espanol llame a Gustavo Ord—nez al (360) 407-6619

____ ___ _____ ______ __ _______, _______ 509/477-3881

Para obtener m‡s informaci—n o para enviar comentarios por escrito, por favor comun’quese con el Sr. Dave George a la direcci—n de Ecolog’a citada anteriormente o al 509/329-3520 o por correo electr—nico a


Pub.: December 18, 2008

Legal Notice

Periodic Review Available to Public

Comments Accepted December 19, 2008 through January 19, 2009

Cenex Supply & Marketing Inc. Rinsate Site

300 Division Street

Quincy, Grant County, Washington

Facility Site Id No. 33599645

The Washington State Department of Ecology invites you to review and comment on a document called a periodic review for the Cenex Supply & Marketing Inc., Rinsate site. A periodic review is conducted at least every five years after the initiation of a cleanup action at a site, as required by the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA). The purposes of the review are to evaluate site conditions after cleanup is considered complete and to ensure protection of human health and the environment.

CHS, Inc., formerly Cenex Harvest States, is the current property owner and the party liable for cleanup at the site. CHS leased the property prior to purchasing it in 2004. The site originally was used as a liquid fertilizer and soil fumigant storage facility.

Investigations identified contamination in groundwater and soil. CHS conducted several cleanup actions to address elevated levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in soil and groundwater. Treatment systems were put in place in 2001 to address the contamination, and monitoring was conducted.

Monitoring within the treatment area indicates VOC levels in soil and groundwater have declined significantly. However, VOCs in groundwater have not been effectively reduced down gradient of the source area. Additional cleanup actions are necessary to achieve the goals outlined in the final Cleanup Action Plan and to ensure that the VOCs don't continue to migrate down gradient.

Deed restrictions are on the property. They limit the ways that the property may be used and protect the cleanup remedies that have been implemented. Monitoring wells installed in 2007 showed dissolved VOCs in groundwater beyond the original established site boundaries. Deed restrictions should be expanded to cover these areas.

You may review the Periodic Review and associated documents at the following locations:

WA Department of Ecology

4601 North Monroe

Spokane, WA 99205-1295

Call Kari Johnson for an appointment 509/329-3415

Quincy City Hall

Ms. Nancy Schanze

104 B Street Southwest

Quincy, WA 98848

Grant County Health District

Mr. Gerald Campbell

35 First and C Street

Ephrata, WA 98823

Ecology's Toxics Cleanup Website

Para asistencia en Espanol Gus Ordonez 360/407-6619

____ ___ _____ ______ __ _______, _______ Tatiana Bistrevsky 509/477-3881

For more information or to submit written comments, please contact Mr. Dave George at the Ecology address above ora t 509/329-3520 or e-mail at


Pub.: December 18 2008