Thursday, March 06, 2025

Winterfest brings frosty fun

by Chrystal Doucette<br>Herald Staff Writer
| December 15, 2008 8:00 PM

SOAP LAKE — Winterfest fit its namesake Saturday, as Soap Lake residents enjoyed games, food and fun in the frosty snow.

The day included a silent auction at the library, photos with Santa Claus at Home Varieties, and games along a snow-covered Main Street. An art show was offered at the same time.

Chamber of Commerce Director Kelley Skotland said the event went well, even though less children showed up compared with last year. Skotland said the snow was a positive addition this year.

“It was great, for the Frisbee sweep and for the turkey bowling, to have a little bit of snow,” she said.

The Frisbee sweep, where contestants race a Frisbee to the finish line using a broom, was a new event.

“I won six times in a row!” exclaimed Soap Lake resident Evelyn Lopez, 9.

Lopez named several favorite aspects of Winterfest.

“We play games and you win stuff,” she said.

“What about Santa Claus?” asked Skotland.

“Oh yeah, and Santa gives us presents and candy,” Lopez said.

American, Greek, German, Mexican and Russian food were sold outside. Skotland said she enjoyed seeing the food offered outdoors this year.

The turkey bowl was one of the most popular games at Winterfest. For $1, contestants had a chance to bowl a turkey into a set of bowling pins. A strike earned participants a turkey.

Soap Lake resident Lars Golbienko won the first turkey of the season. Golbienko said it’s his favorite part of Winterfest.

“It’s just fun,” he said.

Soap Lake Lions helped with the turkey bowl for the Chamber of Commerce. Lions member Gary Mansford said he was told the event began with 20 turkeys, but someone might have brought more.

Colleen Goehrig said her family won three turkeys last year, their first time attending Winterfest. The family is from Florida, but Goehrig’s husband is working in Moses Lake.

Goehrig said it was the turkey bowl that brought them to Winterfest initially.

“We just had to see what it was,” she said.

Her son, daughter and husband won turkeys last year.

Their 9-year-old daughter surprised Santa Claus with her turkey.

“She gave her turkey, that she won with her own money, to Santa,” Goehrig said. “It was so sweet.”

The family returned to try their luck at the event again.

Tyler Goehrig, 12, said the turkey bowl is his favorite event at Winterfest, although he was unsure why.

Soap Lake resident Marina Obzhylova, 10, said she won candy and three cupcakes, at a cupcake walk.

“Playing the games and earning the candy (is the best part),” Obzhylova said.

She said it is her fourth year coming to Winterfest.

Aliah Harrison, 9, said it is her third year at Winterfest. Harrison said she won “a whole bunch of candy, almost a turkey.”

The best part of the event for her, had nothing to do with candy or games.

“Spending time with people,” she said.

Skotland said the giant tree on Main Street was decorated by children. McKay Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center provided the children with hot chocolate and cookies.

“All the elementary kids came in three buses, and they decorated the tree on Friday,” she said.