Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| April 14, 2008 9:00 PM






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Governing Board of the Interlocal Rail Authority ("Rail Authority"), pursuant to the provisions of RCW 42.30.080, that a special meeting will be held by the Governing Board on:

WEDNESDAY, April 16, 2008, at 10:00 o'clock A.M.

(or as soon as possible thereafter)

Lincoln County Commissioners' Chambers

Lincoln County Courthouse

450 Logan St.

Davenport, WA. 99122.

Some members of the Governing Board may participate via conference call. In such instance, a speaker phone will be available for members of the public to hear statements/discussions of those participating by speaker phone.


Grant County, Lincoln County, Spokane County and the Port of Whitman formed an intergovernmental entity known as the Interlocal Rail Authority. The Interlocal Rail Authority is governed by a four (4) member board known as the "Governing Board". The purpose of the Interlocal Rail Authority is to provide for the refurbishment of the Palouse River and Coulee City rail line system made up of the CW, P&L and PV Hooper rail lines (the "Rail Line"), a state owned short line system consisting of approximately 300 miles of track operating within Grant County, Lincoln County, Spokane County, and Whitman County, Washington. The legislature has made available $8,600,000 for grants to any intergovernmental entity or local rail district, subject to certain conditions, provided that the funds are used only to refurbish the Palouse River and Coulee City (PCC) rail line system made up of the CW, P&L and PV Hooper rail lines.


The purpose of the special public meeting will be for the Governing Board to take action on the following item(s):

10:00 A.M. Item 1: Welcome and opening


10:05 A.M. Item 2: Review of Agenda

10:15 A.M. Item 3: Election of Officers and Secretary

Item 4: Designation of a Fiscal Agent

10:45 A.M. Item 5: Review of Draft

Agreement with WDOT

11:30 A.M. Item 6: Discussion of "Single Point of Contact"

11:50 A.M. Item 7: Schedule next meeting

11:55 A.M. Item 8: Public Comment


(The times listed are estimates. Actual time spent on agenda items may vary considerably and additional items may be added to the agenda during the meeting however no "final action" shall be taken on any item not listed on the above agenda.)

The terminology "action" as used herein shall mean deliberate, discuss, consider, review, evaluate, and take a final action. Final action means a collective positive or negative decision, or an actual vote by a majority of the members upon a motion, proposal, resolution, etc.

Any person may appear at the date, time,and place set forth herein above and observe the action(s) of the Governing Board. No public testimony will be accepted except under Item 7 above. The Governing Board reserves the right to ask staff questions. The Governing Board may hold an executive session during the special meeting for any reason set forth in RCW 42.30.110. The public will not be allowed to attend any executive session.

Additional information with regard to this notice may be obtained by contacting, Ted Hopkins, Lincoln County Commissioners at (509) 725-3031.

The Governing Board's meetings and hearings are conducted in facilities which are accessible to disabled individuals. For more information with respect to the accessibility of the Lincoln County Commissioners Chambers, please contact County Commissioners Ted Hopkins at the above phone number.

DATED THIS ____day of _____, 2008.



Ted Hopkins, Member

Todd Mielke, Member

Richard Stevens, Member

Bob Gronholz, Member


Pub.: April 7, 14, 2008


Effective May 1, 2008, Telecom*USA(r) will increase your 10-10-220 per-minute rate from $0.99 for the first 10 minutes (or any portion thereof) of usage per call and $0.15 per minute thereafter, to $1.20 for the first 10 minutes (or any portion thereof) of usage per call and $0.20 per minute thereafter.

This may increase your Telecom*USA total charges.

If you have any questions, please call Telecom*USA customer service at 1-800-728-6161.


Pub.: April 14, 2008


Notice is hereby given that a Variance was received on February 28, 2008 from Terry Stallcop, 29024 118th Ave., S.E., Kent, WA 98030, 253-737-4468, and found to be technically complete and preliminarily appear to be consistent with the Unified Development Code and other applicable State and local requirements as of March 31, 2008. PROJECT: Variance to 5-foot side setback requirement. SEPA exempt. LOCATION: 9054 Crescent Bar Rd., Lot 22 and .0435 percent common area; Orchards at Crescent Bar; S 18, T 20 N, R 23 E, WM, Grant County, WA. Parcel #32-0221-000. ZONING: Recreation Development. Required mitigation will be pursuant to the Unified Development Code. OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING: Board of Adjustment hearing, 7 pm, May 14, 2008 in the Commissioners Hearing Room, at the Grant County Courthouse in Ephrata, WA. At this time any person(s) may appear and provide testimony. Copies of the application materials (File #08-5042) are available from Igor Shaporda at the Grant County Department of Community Development at 32 C St. NW, Room 26a, P.O. Box 37, Ephrata WA 98823, (509) 754-2011, extension 624; office hours are 8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5pm, Monday - Friday. Comments must be submitted no later than 5pm April 29, 2008 to the above address. All comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, hand delivered or sent by facsimile. Any person has the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on this Variance.


Pub.: April 14, 2008

Ordinance No. 2387

An ordinance amending Chapter 3.18 of the Moses Lake Municipal Code entitled "Gambling Tax"

(This summary is published pursuant to RCW 35A.12.160. The full text of the ordinance will be mailed, without charge, to any person upon request.)

The Moses Lake City Council adopted an ordinance which clarifies the appeal process.

This ordinance, which was passed on April 8, 2008 will be in force five days after publication.


Pub.: April 14, 2008

Ordinance No. 2388

An ordinance amending Chapter 20.03 of the Moses Lake Municipal Code entitled "Administration"

(This summary is published pursuant to RCW 35A.12.160. The full text of the ordinance will be mailed, without charge, to any person upon request.)

The Moses Lake City Council adopted an ordinance which clarifies the appeal process.

This ordinance, which was passed on April 8, 2008 will be in force five days after publication.


Pub.: April 14, 2008

Notice of Application and expected SEPA Determination

Notice is hereby given that a Site Plan Review and SEPA Checklist were received on January 16, 2008 from Jake Jacobsen, 8568 Dune Lake Rd., Moses Lake, WA 98837, 509-750-2065, and found to be technically complete and preliminarily appear to be consistent with the Unified Development Code and other applicable State and local requirements as of March 31, 2008. PROJECT: The construction of a 15,000 square foot mini storage facility. SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance is expected to be issued for this proposal. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. LOCATION: The site address is 8524 Broad St. N.E., which is TX# 3682 in SWNE less W173; and is a portion of S 9, T 19 N, R 28 E, WM., Grant County, WA. (Parcel #17-0271-000) ZONING: Urban Residential-4. Required mitigation will be pursuant to the Unified Development Code. OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING: None. Copies of the application materials (File #08-4998) are available from Igor Shaporda at the Grant County Department of Community Development at 32 C St. NW, Room 26a, P.O. Box 37, Ephrata WA 98823, (509) 754-2011, extension 624; office hours are 8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5pm, Monday - Friday. Comments must be submitted no later than 5pm April 29, 2008 to the above address. All comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, hand delivered or sent by facsimile. Any person has the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials.


Pub.: April 14, 2008


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD April 24, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to declare county property surplus in the Royal Slope Area of Grant County. The property is located in the northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter, all in S 34, T 17 N, R 23 E, W M (Parcel no. 150362001). Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters.

Barbara J. Vasquez

Administrative Assistant &

Clerk of the Board

Grant County Commissioners


Pub.: April 14, 2008