Wednesday, January 15, 2025

No more food mentions for Weaver, starting …

| November 26, 2007 8:00 PM

Everyone's been too kind to point it out before now, but I wanted to alert you as to the fact we are aware of the problem and are working to fix it.

I'm talking about food way too much in this column.

Since it began, I've written about, amongst other things, Zip's, my love of flavoring, strawberry snack pies, my morning cereal routine, my tendency to let lettuce and eggs go past their expiration date and drive-through conspiracies.

Which is not to mention a recent Twinkie cookbook I shared, and a long-ago story about the best sandwiches I have ever eaten.

Now, take one look at me and it should become pretty obvious I'm a big eater, and so food is a natural subject which comes up often. What can I say? Food is my vice of choice. Actually, women are my vice of choice, but they all have "standards," so food becomes my vice of choice by default.

But I hereby decree a moratorium on food related topics, at least through the end of the year. Starting … now. Now. Now! When this column is finished.

Not hard, you scoff? Only a month or two, at most?

Obviously, you haven't considered the fact we are entering the time of year when food seems to be one of the hottest topics around, as people start uncovering their holiday recipes and the last hangers-on are casting off their New Year's resolutions.

Not talking about food means I don't get to share my thoughts on what gingerbread people are really doing when the lid is on the cookie jar, or wax rhapsodic about the excitement which occurs when I spot the first carton of eggnog in the stores.

Nor do I get to stand upon my annual soapbox about the joys of combining all the elements of the Thanksgiving meal in a frying pan and serving up a mishmash of succulent leftovers.

I'm salivating as I type these words.

But I'm trying to expand my horizons way beyond the food realm. Food is fun to talk about, but it's not the only thing to talk about.

Until Jan. 1, however, food is not anything to talk about. Not in this column space.

Starting …

pizza with canadian bacon and black olives cheeseburgers tacos nachos deep-fried Twinkies fish sticks spaghetti with meatballs salad maple bars egg salad cream soda ginger ale turkey yams buttered popcorn jellybeans red licorice hot cocoa chocolate milk lemon meringue pie burritos french fries

… now.