Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Weaver considers ways to spruce up 'unwork'

| November 19, 2007 8:00 PM

My life is fairly limited right now.

There's work. And there's unwork, a clever word I just made up which shall heretofore be defined as "Anything of or pertaining to that which is not related to work."

Unwork includes sleeping, eating, and everything else which falls between the time I leave work and the time I have to show back up again, usually dragged along by my feet as I cling to anything stationary or which looks sturdy enough to take my weight.

This usually consists of, vegetation upon my couch, writing, reading, television or Internet consumption, talking on the telephone with friends and sleeping. With the occasional bout of cleaning, usually brought on by necessity - something fell over, got lost or my parents are visiting - thrown in for good measure.

That pretty much summarizes my unwork existence right now.

It looks a tad bit … minuscule.

So I'm in the market for a new hobby. Although, I must caution, the kind of hobbies available to me are also somewhat limited.

They can't conflict with work and they have to take in the fact I'm on a budget - student loans to pay, plus I need to be able to eat.

And I'm not particularly graceful; in fact "prone to injury and whiny about pain" seems a much more apt description. So anything requiring any particular form of skill is probably out, as well.

And there really shouldn't be a lengthy commitment or additional responsibility, seeing as how we're looking for a "hobby" and not a "vast undertaking."

More fun and less stress, is what I'm all about.

Extra consideration will be given to those items including "single twentysomething girls plentiful."

I don't suppose there happens to be a Columbia Basin Thumb Twiddler's Group in need of new recruits?

But before experiencing a deluge of helpful suggestions, let me mention a few of the hobbies already considered and rejected:

Giving up the columns and getting a real job. Sorry, already gainfully employed.

Javelin throwing.

Javelin catching. Seems self-explanatory.

Any sports (including foosball, golf and rock-climbing). Or anything with the words "extreme" in it.

Fishing/hunting. The last time I went out, I caught a bush. And that was my most successful foray ever.

Roller skating. Remember the tendency toward injury.

A pet. Efforts to raise a mint plant in college proved disastrous.

Yachting. Pfft. Been there, done that.

Taking up a musical instrument. I'm trying to be considerate to my neighbors.

Serious, kind suggestions may be sent to If I like them, I may end up doing something with them or at least trying them out and writing about it.

At the very least, I'll consider them while sitting on my couch watching TV, calling or e-mailing my friends to see what they think.

Then I'll sleep on it.