Sunday, December 15, 2024


| November 5, 2007 8:00 PM

Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District

Small Works Roster

Notice is hereby given that the Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District is accepting applications for its Small Works Roster.

The Small Works Roster will be used to solicit and secure telephone and/or written quotations for maintenance and improvement projects.

All vendors, contractors, suppliers or other parties wanting to be included in the Small Works Roster must obtain an Application from the District. The completed Application must be returned to the District no later than December 31, 2007 for the 2008 Small Works Roster. An application may be obtained via telephone request (509)765-8716 or a written request may be sent to P O Box 98, Moses Lake WA 98837.

Dated this 24th day of November, 2007.

Moses Lake Irrigation and

Rehabilitation District

By: Julie H. Smith

Administrative Assistant


Pub.: October 29, November 5, 12, 2007


Notice is hereby given that the Governing Board of the North Central Washington Regional Support Network will meet on Thursday, November 29, 2007 at 11:30 am at Grant Mental Healthcare, 840 Plum Street, Moses Lake, Washington. The meeting is open to the public.

LeRoy Allison, Chair


Pub.: November 5, 12, 2007


Grant County Public Works

124 Enterprise St NE

Ephrata WA 98823

Derek Pohle, Public Works Director, PE 509-754-6082 or after hours Jerome Wawers, Bridge Supervisor 509-760-4688

Project: Bridge Repair on County Road O NE approximately 1 mile south of Country Road 47 NE

Grant County will be starting the repair of Bridge 126 on October 31, 2007.

The scheduled completion date is November 30, 2007.

During the construction County Road O NE will be closed to all traffic between County Roads 45 NE and 47 NE. Local traffic will need to use County Roads 44 NE, P NE and 47 NE as detour routes.

Work hours during construction are Monday thru Friday, 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

Jerome Wawers

Bridge Supervisor

Grant County Public Works


Pub.: November 5, 2007


Northwest Communities Education Center gives notice that on October 18, 2007, it filed an application (FCC Form 340) with the Federal Communications Commission for a permit to construct a new Class C2 noncommercial FM station to be licensed to Soap Lake, Washington. The station proposes to operate on 88.7 MHz, with 7.5 kW effective radiated power, with an antenna height of 11 meters from a site located at 47¡ 18' 53" North Latitude and 119¡ 35' 53" West Longitude. The main studio will be located at 121 Sunnyside Avenue, Granger, Washington.

Officers and directors of the applicant are: Jorge Lobos, Matt Adams, Gregorio Herrera, Roberto D. Ibarra, Ricardo Aguirre, Mateo Arteaga, Estella Del Villar, Kay Hubbard, Becky Mares, and Ricardo Garcia.

A copy of the application and related materials are available for public inspection at 121 Sunnyside Avenue, Granger, Washington, between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday.


Pub.: November 5, 7, 12, 14, 2007



Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing for the 2008 Operating Budget of Grant County Public Hospital District No. 1, Samaritan Healthcare, has been scheduled for November 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 405 at Samaritan Healthcare, 801 East Wheeler Road, Moses Lake, Washington 98837.

Notice is hereby given that the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Grant County Public Hospital District No. 1, Samaritan Healthcare, previously scheduled for November 19, 2007 has been changed to follow the 2007 Operating Budget Hearing, November 13, 2007 at 7:10 p.m. in Room 405 at Samaritan Healthcare, 801 East Wheeler Road, Moses Lake, Washington 98837.

Public Hospital District No. 1

Grant County, Washington

Katherine Christian, Board of Commissioner Secretary

John R. White, President and CEO


November 5, 8, 12, 2007


Request for Proposals will be received by the Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington at 15655 Wanapum Village Lane SW, Beverly, Washington 99321 until 2:30 P.M., on November 14, 2007 for Professional Services as more fully described in Contract Documents 430-2488.

On the above date, the RFP's will be reviewed at the District's Hydro Administration Offices located at 15655 Wanapum Village Lane SW, Beverly, Washington 99321. All RFP's shall be subject to and shall comply with the Instructions contained in the Contract Documents, copies of which are available at our Ebid site When reaching this site you will need to register as a new vendor if your are not already on our electronic vendor system.



By: Jay D. Taylor

Contract Officer


Pub.: November 5, 2007




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Moses Lake issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following project:

Crittenden 2nd Addition Major Plat - Subdivide 57 acres into 2 industrial lots and extend Hamilton Road 1200' north of the current intersection with Wheeler Road. The proponent is O'Dell Crittenden. The site includes Assessor Parcel #11-0005-000,-002, -003, and -004, and is located north of Wheeler Road at the intersection with Hamilton Road, in the Light Industrial Zone.

After review of the completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the City of Moses Lake, the SEPA Responsible Official has determined this proposal will not have a probable adverse impact on the environment if the stipulated mitigation is provided. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-340(2) the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date of determination. Comments on the MDNS must be submitted by Nov. 14, 2007 to the Responsible Official.

For additional information regarding the MDNS decision or the proposed project contact Anne Henning at (509) 766-9287. Copies of the MDNS and information related to this application are available for review at no charge from the City of Moses Lake, P.O. Box 1579, (321 S. Balsam), Moses Lake, WA 98837.

DATED: October 31, 2007

s/Ronald R. Cone

Finance Director


Pub.: November 5, 2007