Tuesday, January 28, 2025


| May 31, 2007 9:00 PM


In the Matter of the NO: 07-4-00058-9

Estate of:

Dean Smith Hagerty, PROBATE NOTICE TO


RCW 11.40.030


The Persons named below has been appointed as the Co-Personal Representatives of this estate. Any persons having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the Court. The claim must be presented within the later of (1) Thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the Notice to Creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in section 11 of this act and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent's probate and non-probate assets.

Date of Filing Copy of Notice to Creditors with Clerk of Court: May 21, 2007.

Date of First Publication: May 25, 2007.

Co-Personal Representative:

Yvonne Louise Parker

Claudia Lynn Thompson

Attorney for the Personal Representative: WARRING LAW FIRM, P.S.

Address for Mailing or Service:



/s/Yvonne L. Parker

Yvonne L. Parker

Personal Representative


Attorney for Co-Personal Representatives

/s/Carl N. Warring

CARL N. WARRING, W.S.B.A. # 6312

1340 E. Hunter Place

Moses Lake, WA 98837

(509) 765-9562

# 06013

Pub.: May 25, June 1, 8, 2007


In the Matter of the NO: 07-4-00059-7

Estate of:

Winifred Russella Hagerty, PROBATE NOTICE TO


RCW 11.40.030


The Persons named below has been appointed as the Co-Personal Representatives of this estate. Any persons having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the Court. The claim must be presented within the later of (1) Thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the Notice to Creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in section 11 of this act and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent's probate and non-probate assets.

Date of Filing Copy of Notice to Creditors with Clerk of Court: May 21, 2007.

Date of First Publication: May 25, 2007.

Co-Personal Representative:

Yvonne Louise Parker

Claudia Lynn Thompson

Attorney for the Personal Representative: WARRING LAW FIRM, P.S.

Address for Mailing or Service: 1340 E. HUNTER PLACE


/s/Yvonne L. Parker

Yvonne L. Parker

Personal Representative


Attorney for Co-Personal Representatives

/s/Carl N. Warring

CARL N. WARRING, W.S.B.A. # 6312

1340 E. Hunter Place

Moses Lake, WA 98837

(509) 765-9562

# 06014

Pub.: May 25, June 1, 8, 2007

Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment

Department of Ecology Draft Approval

of a Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permit and

Notice of Construction Permit

Guardian Fiberglass

Moses Lake, Washington

What project is proposed for approval?

The proposed project is called the Wool Fiberglass Insulation project. It is a new facility that will produce resinated and non-resinated wool fiberglass products.

What is the Department of Ecology proposing to do?

The Department of Ecology (Ecology) is proposing to approve the permit. Ecology made a draft determination on May 25, 2007 that this project satisfies all requirements for a Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permit. Ecology also determined that the project satisfies all Notice of Construction (NOC) requirements.

How can you review the permit amendment?

You can review copies of the draft permits and technical analysis at the following locations:

Washington State Department of Ecology Moses Lake

Air Quality Program Community Development Department

300 Desmond Drive 321 South Balsam

Lacey, WA 98503 Moses Lake, WA 98837

You can also find copies on the internet at:


How can you comment on the draft approval?

Ecology will accept comments on this project for 30 days from the date this notice is published.

Send written comments to:

Washington State Department of Ecology

Air Quality Program

Attention: Richard B. Hibbard

P.O. Box 47600

Olympia, WA 98504-7600

Anyone (including the applicant) who objects to any condition of the draft approval must raise all issues and submit all arguments supporting their position by the end of the comment period. You must submit all supporting materials in full. They cannot be incorporated by reference, unless they are already part of the administrative record in the same proceeding or are generally available reference material.

Will there be a public hearing?

If Ecology receives comments that show there is significant public interest in this project, Ecology may schedule a public hearing.

When will Ecology make a final decision?

Following the public comment period and a public hearing (if a hearing is held), Ecology will make a final determination about the project and send copies of it to everyone who submitted comments. Ecology will also file its determination at the locations listed above for public review.

Can a decision be appealed?

Yes. Within 30 calendar days after Ecology issues its final decision, anyone who commented on the draft PSD approval may appeal the decision to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under 40 CFR 124.19, or to the State of Washington Pollution Control Hearings Board. Anyone who did not file comments or participate in the public hearing may petition for administrative review only on the changes made between the draft approval and the final approval.

Please see http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/air/psd/psd_appeals.html for more information on appeals.

For more information

For more information about this proposed project approval, contact:

Richard B. Hibbard (360) 407-6896

Department of Ecology Email: rhib461@ecy.wa.gov

Air Quality Program

If you need this information in another format, or if you need special accommodations, please call Tami Dahlgren at (360) 407-6800. Persons with hearing loss can call 711 for Washington Relay Service. Persons with a speech disability can call 877-833-6341.


Pub.: June 1, 2007





Mr. & Mrs. Peter Beaumont of Quincy has made an APPLICATION FOR CHANGE/TRANSFER of Water Right to change the place of use Groundwater certificate G3-28551C to the Board. The board has designated such application for active Board review assigning it a number of GRAN-06-007. The Department of Ecology has assigned tracking number CG3-28551@1 to this application.

That Ground Water Certificate G3-28551C with a priority date of August 18, 1988 has current authorization for 470 gallons per minute, 157 acre-feet per year, for seasonal irrigation of 45 acres and frost control as needed. The place of use being 45 acres within W1/2NW1/4 Section 26, T21N, R24E, W.M. Grant County tax parcel number 15 1222 001. The point of withdrawal being a well located within SE1/4NW1/4 Section 26, T21N, R24E, W.M.

The proposed change is a place of use defined as 45 total acres within NW1/4NW1/4 Section 26 and SW1/4SW1/4 Section 23 of T21N, R24E, W.M.

Any interested party may submit comments, objections, and other information to the board regarding this application. The comments and information may be submitted in writing or verbally at any public meeting of the board held to discuss or decide on the application. Additionally, the Water Conservancy Board will consider written comments or information provided within thirty (30) days from the last date of publication of this notice, said written comments or information to be provided to its office located at 3953 Airway Drive NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837.

Any protests or objections to the approval of this application may be filed with the Department of Ecology and must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections. Protests must be accompanied by a fifty dollar ($50.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Eastern Regional Office, 4601 North Monroe Street, Spokane, WA 99205 within thirty (30) days from June 8, 2007.


Pub.: June 1, 8, 2007


Sealed bids, plainly marked iBID for L NE Rd., CRP 07-09, will be received by Grant County at the Office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the County Courthouse, P.O. Box 37, 35 C Street NW - Room 207, Ephrata, WA, 98823, until 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, June 19, 2007 and will then and there be opened and publicly read for the construction of the improvements.

All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. No conditional bid bond will be accepted. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish a satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to Grant County.

Maps, plans, and specifications may be purchased from the office of the County Engineer, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, upon payment of the amount of $25.00 (non-refundable).

Informational copies of the maps, plans, and specifications are on file for inspection at the Grant County Public Works Building, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, and in various plan centers located in Washington.

The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The award of this contract, if made, will be to the lowest responsible bidder.

The improvement for which bids will be received as follows:

L NE Rd., CRP 07-09


Pub.: June 1, 7, 14, 2007





In accordance with RCW 35A.12.160, the following is a summary of Othello Ordinance No. 1241 passed by the City Council and approved by Mayor Shannon McKay on the 29th day of May 2007. The full text of this ordinance will be mailed, free of charge, to any person requesting a copy.


This ordinance reduces the speed limit to twenty (20) miles per hour on Pine Street from 7th Avenue east to 12th Avenue.

Debbie Kudrna, CMC

City Clerk


Pub.: June 1, 2007



This is official notification that the Othello City Council has scheduled a Public Hearing to review and receive public input regarding the request to vacate a portion of Curtis Drive within the City of Othello's corporate limits from the intersection of Curtis Drive and Industrial Drive east to the drainage ditch of the East Columbia Basin Irrigation Project, filed by Arlie Updegrave, Double U Farm LLC. The Public Hearing is scheduled for Monday, June 25, 2007, 7:00 p.m., during the regular City Council meeting and will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers, 500 E. Main Street, Othello.

Debbie Kudrna, CMC

City Clerk


Pub.: June 1, 2007




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Moses Lake issued Mitigated Determinations of Non-Significance (MDNSs) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following projects:

1. Barrington Point 4 & 5 Major Plats - Subdivide 24 acres into 96 residential lots in two plats in the R-1 Single Family Zone. The proponent is Cornerstone Real Estate Group of Vancouver, WA. The site is located north of Crestview Drive and west of Paxson Drive.

2. Polo Ridge #2 Major Plat - Subdivide 19 acres into 71 residential lots in the R-1 Single Family Zone. The proponent is Schneider Homes of Tukwila, WA. The site is located north of Crestview Drive and east of Paxson Drive.

3. Woodcrest Major Plat - Subdivide 7 acres into 26 residential lots in the R-1 Single Family Zone. The proponent is Clearwater Development of San Diego, CA. The site is located south of Valley Road and east of Paxson Drive.

After review of the completed environmental checklists and other information on file with the City of Moses Lake, the SEPA Responsible Official has determined that the proposals will not have a probable adverse impact on the environment if the stipulated mitigation is provided. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-340(2) the lead agency will not act on these proposals for 14 days from the date of determination. Comments on the MDNSs must be submitted by June 13, 2007 to the Responsible Official.

For additional information regarding the MDNS decisions or the proposed projects contact Anne Henning at (509)766-9287. Copies of the MDNSs and information related to these applications are available for review at no charge from the City of Moses Lake, P.O. Box 1579, (321 S. Balsam), Moses Lake, WA 98837.

DATED: May 30, 2007

s/Ronald R. Cone

Finance Director


Pub.: June 1, 2007


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD June 18, 2007 at 2:00 pm in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA regarding a budget extension request from the Grant County District Court in the amount of $3,000.00 for the purchase of a DVR Security Camera System. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters.

Barbara J. Vasquez

Administrative Assistant &

Clerk of the Board

Grant County Commissioners


June 1, 8, 2007