Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Focused on the future

by Pam ROBEL<br>Herald Sports Editor
| February 13, 2007 8:00 PM

Chief envisions career in medicine

Matt Palmer is focusing on the last push toward Mat Classic.

"In the last few weeks everyone is really starting to pick it up," said Matt. "The goal is always to place as high as possible at state."

Matt, who wrestles at a scant 135-pounds, says one of the worst things about wrestling is that sometimes you'd like to eat but you just can't. "With weight, you know you have to get there, that it just has to be done."

Conversely, he also says there really isn't anything bad about wrestling.

"The best part is probably going on trips and wrestling; hanging out with friends in hotel rooms; and going out and beating up on some guys and then going back to the hotel room and beating up on some guys. If there was anything bad about wrestling I wouldn't do it."

With his focus being squarely on state, Matt says that he's got to keep an eye out for all of his upcoming opponents.

"(To prepare) I'm just training hard," said Matt.

After his final bout as a Moses Lake High School wrestler Matt plans to get a job for the summer and will turn his focus toward college next fall.

"I'll probably go to Big Bend or BYU-Idaho. If I go to Big Bend I'll go to school and work," said Matt. "I kind of have it all planned out. I want to become a nurse and then go back to school and move up in the medical field or become a doctor and then specialize in something. I figure it's a long way off so I have plenty of time to decide what I want to specialize in."

Matt says his anatomy class in high school got him started down the path of medicine.

As for wrestling beyond his time as a Chief, Matt appears somewhat indifferent.

"If it happens it happens but I'm not going out looking for it," said Matt.