Wednesday, January 15, 2025


| December 3, 2007 8:00 PM

The Board of Directors for the Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District have changed their regular monthly meeting date in December to be held Tuesday, December 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in the conference room at 932 E. Wheeler Rd., Moses Lake WA. The Board, acting as a board of equalization, will meet to equalize assessments by publication in a newspaper published in the county comprising the District. The time fixed for the meeting shall not be less than twenty nor more than thirty days from the first publication of the notice.

Dated this 26th day of November, 2007

Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District

By: Julie H. Smith

Administrative Assistant


Pub.: November 28, 2007


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE ADOPTION OF THE 2007 REVISION OF THE GRANT COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE WILL BE HELD in the Hearing Room of the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington located in the County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington on (December 5, 2007 at 9:00 a.m.).

The Solid Waste Management Plan Update will serve as a planning guide for solid waste collection, disposal, waste reduction, and recycling in Grant County until such time as the plan is revised, amended, or updated. Plans are available for review at all city and town halls in Grant County.


Pub.: November 26, December 3, 2007


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD December 11, 2007 at 8:45 am in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA regarding the following budget extension requests:

  • Fairgrounds in the amount of $15,000.00 to cover year end expenses
  • Grant Mental Healthcare in the amount of $70,000.00 for Community Frameworks
  • Sheriff's Office in the amount of $88,000.00 for an operating transfer to ATV missed for transfer in 2006
  • Grant Mental Healthcare in the amount of $247,621.00 for the North Central Washington Telepsychiatry Project

Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters.

Barbara J. Vasquez

Administrative Assistant &

Clerk of the Board

Grant County Commissioners


Pub.: November 26, 2007, December 3, 2007

Ordinance No. 2362

An ordinance adopting the budget for the City of Moses Lake, Washington for the year 2008

(This summary is published pursuant to RCW 65.16.160. The full text of the ordinance will be mailed, without charge, to any person upon request.)

The Moses Lake City Council adopted an ordinance which establishes the 2008 budget for the City of Moses Lake.

This ordinance, which was passed on November 27, 2007 will be in force five days after publication.


Pub.: December 3, 2007

Ordinance No. 2363

An ordinance amending Chapter 16.40 of the Moses Lake Municipal Code entitled "Fire Department Permit Fees"

(This summary is published pursuant to RCW 35A.12.160. The full text of the ordinance will be mailed, without charge, to any person upon request.)

The Moses Lake City Council adopted an ordinance which increases the fees for inspections and review of permits and plan reviews by the Fire Department.

This ordinance, which was passed on November 27, 2007 will be in force five days after publication.


Pub.: December 3, 2007

Ordinance No. 2362

An ordinance amending Chapter "10.10" of the Moses Lake Municipal Code entitled "Speed Limits"

(This summary is published pursuant to RCW 35A.12.160. The full text of the ordinance will be mailed, without charge, to any person upon request.)

The Moses Lake City Council adopted an ordinance which reduces the speed limit on Road N between Wheeler and Road 4 to 35 mph.

This ordinance, which was passed on November 27, 2007 will be in force five days after publication.


Pub.: December 3, 2007


Installation of a Fence for Grant Mental Healthcare in Moses Lake

Grant Mental Healthcare is seeking competitive bids for the fabrication and installation of approximately 40'of tublar metal fencing to match existing fence and install an additional gate in existing fence. Bids must include applicable Washington state sales tax

Sealed bids will be accepted at Grant Mental Healthcare 840 E. Plum Moses Lake, Washington, 98837 until 4 pm on December 17, 2007, at which time a bid opening will be held.

Requests for more information and bid specifications to be directed to Bruce or Jim, at 509-765-9239.


Pub.: December 3, 2007




BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Warden, Washington as follows:


001 CURRENT EXPENSE 940,780.00 940,780.00

101 CITY STREET 205,178.00 205,178.00

103 EQUIPMENT RESERVE 156,100.00 156,100.00

104 CEMETERY 73,340.00 73,340.00

401 WATER/SEWER 2,892,415.00 2,892,415.00

402 SANITATION 310,000.00 310,000.00

404 SEWER FACILITY 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00

405 WATER CAP PROJECT 75,000.00 -0-

409 WW DEBT RECOVERY 40,000.00 -0-

424 REVENUE BOND RED. 408,050.00 408,050.00

440 CONSUMER DEPOSIT 3,500.00 3,500.00

TOTAL ALL FUND $ 9,604,363.00 $ 9,489,363.00

This ordinance shall be in full force and effective immediately following its approval by the City Council of the City of Warden, Washington on November 27, 2007 and its publication as required by law.

Roldan L. Capetillo, Mayor


Kristine Shuler, Clerk-Treasurer


Pub.: December 3, 2007