Tuesday, January 07, 2025

RFP-Coulee Corridor National Scenic Byway website

| June 30, 2006 9:00 PM

The Coulee Corridor, a National Scenic Byway, requests proposals for service in redesigning its website (www.couleecorridor.org). Objectives and tasks are noted below.

1. Redesign of current web site:

A. Use W3C compliant HTML, CSS or your preferred coding language, with the structure being so that it has only a link depth of one or two clicks.

B. More in depth descriptions of byway intrinsic values, Ice Age Floods stories, watch able wildlife, Colville Tribes culture and history, Art and Music, History, Recreation. This content will be provided by the CC Scenic Byway staff.

C. Search engine optimization and submission to web directories (such as DMOZ) to increase page rank.

D. Page size optimized for 56k, with cross browser compatibility.

Website domain transfer and hosting for 1 year: with cost proposal for multi-year hosting

Webmaster service/maintenance contract for one year. This will include updates, changes, and additions

Webmaster orientation and training for anticipated Byway Coordinator: estimated 4hours

2. Additional content to be added to the redesigned site:

Visitor Services links: one line format- Chambers of Commerce., CVB's, etc.

E-commerce section: for retail sales

Byway Partner links:

Byway Business membership listings and links: one line format- business name, web site, (1) phone number (CCC will provide).

Secured, password-protected page that will contain Coulee Corridor Consortium organization contact information and a schedule. (perhaps a calendar application that could be updated by the CC staff?)

We are also interested in a Content Managment system with an easy to use back end for use by the Coulee Corridor staff. This would primarily be used so we could add updates, announcements etc to the pages without making a revision request to the webmaster every time an addition needs to be made. Please share your thoughts and suggestions for this.

Responses should be addressed to the Coulee Corridor Consortium, PO Box 760, 306 Midway, Grand Coulee, WA 99133. Responses should be received within 30 days of this add.


Pub.: July 3, 10, 2006