The Department of Ecology issued a determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following project:
The addition of 540 center pivot-irrigated acres to J.R. Simplot's process wastewater land treatment sprayfield system. The new sprayfields are located within Section 16, T. 19N., R. 30E and are bounded on the north by Road 4 N.E., the east by Road U N.E., the south by Wheeler Rd., and west by Road T N.E.
The following mitigating measures shall be adhered to: the submittal by J.R. Simplot of an engineering report to Ecology for review and approval. The new sprayfields will be added to Simplot's state waste discharge permit (ST-5202) when it is re-issued.
After review of the completed environmental checklist, the Department of Ecology has determined that this proposal will not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.
Copies of the checklist and DNS are available at no charge from: the Department of Ecology, 4601 N. Monroe St., Spokane, WA 99205-1295. The public is invited to comment on this DNS by submitting written comments no later than February 13, 2006, to Don Nichols at the address above.
Pub.: January 27, 2006