Tuesday, January 07, 2025


| January 20, 2006 8:00 PM




Mr. Berend Friehe of Moses Lake has made an APPLICATION FOR CHANGE/TRANSFER of Water Right to change the point of withdrawal and place of use for Groundwater certificate G3-01562C to the Board. The board has designated such application for active Board review assigning it a number of GRAN-05-009. The Department of Ecology has assigned tracking number CG3-01562C to this application.

That Ground Water Certificate G3-01562C with a priority date of April 24, 1967 has current authorization for 2100 gallons per minute, 1566 acre-feet per year, for the February 1 to November 30 seasonal irrigation of 391 acres. The place of use being 391 acres within SE1/4 of Section 24, T19N, R30E, W.M. in Grant County and N1/2NE1/4 and NW1/4 of Section 30, T19N, R31E, W.M. in Adams County. The point of withdrawal is a well located 40 feet north and 40 feet west of SE corner Section 24, T19N, R30E, W.M.

The proposed change is to move 430 gpm and 320 acre-feet, a portion of the authorized water, to a place of use of 80 acres within Section 23, SW1/4 Sec 24, W1/2 Sec 25, N1/2 and SE1/4 Sec 26, NE1/4 Sec 35, and W1/2 Sec 36 all in T21N, R30E, W.M. The new points of withdrawal for the moved water will be three wells: Well 1] NE1/4NE1/4 Section 23, Well 2] NE1/4SE1/4 Section 23, Well 3] SE1/4NW1/4 Section 26 all within T21N, R30E, W.M. There will be no change in the total amount of authorized water or propose of use.

Any interested party may submit comments, objections, and other information to the board regarding this application. The comments and information may be submitted in writing or verbally at any public meeting of the board held to discuss or decide on the application. Additionally, the Water Conservancy Board will consider written comments or information provided within thirty (30) days from the last date of publication of this notice, said written comments or information to be provided to its office located at 1030 East Broadway Street, Moses Lake, WA 98837.

Any protests or objections to the approval of this application may be filed with the Department of Ecology and must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections. Protests must be accompanied by a fifty dollar ($50.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Eastern Regional Office, 4601 North Monroe Street, Spokane, WA 99205within thirty (30) days from January 27, 2006.


Pub.: January 20, 27, 2006