Grant County has received a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant in the amount of $58,475 to supplement local emergency food and shelter programs.
The Local Board for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program will meet on January 26, 2006 at 2:30 p.m. in the Grant County Commissioners' Hearing Room, Courthouse, in Ephrata, to review applications and allocate funds. Qualifying organizations are urged to apply.
To qualify, applicants must: 1) be a local government or nonprofit organization, 2) have an accounting system, 3) practice nondiscrimination, 4) have a demonstrated capacity to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs, and 5) if, a private voluntary organization, have a voluntary board.
Applications for funding must address the above 5 points, and also include information on: 1) annual operating budget, 2) specific amount of funding requested, 3) identification of the problem to be addressed by the funding requested, 4) the population and persons to be served by the funding requested, and 5) the impact on the program if the request is not fully funded.
Applications must be received by the Local FEMA Board Coordinator by noon on January 20, 2006, using one of the following methods: 1) email to gfarah@co.grant.wa.us, 2) facsimile to 509-754-6098, or 3) mail to P. O. Box 37, Ephrata, WA.
For further information, contact the Local FEMA Board Coordinator at 754-2011, ext. 439.
Pub.: January 12, 2006