Thursday, March 06, 2025

Second Buckin' Blowout a success

| January 4, 2006 8:00 PM

MOSES LAKE — The second annual New Years Eve Buckin' Blowout sponsored by the Moses Lake Jr. Rodeo Club was standing room only as the cowboys did their best to help spur in the New Year.

In the Businessmen's Donkey roping, Benny Beck was the first one to rope a calf and earn the Skones Irrigation, the title of Champion Donkey Roping Team.

The Moses Lake Jr. Rodeo Club has been selling raffle tickets all year for a saddle made by local Rick Call. The drawing was held during the rodeo and Paul Belisle was the winner.

In the bull riding, Cody Schoesler of Ritzville took home first place, Colby Rielly of Ephrata took second, Troy Clinton was third, and local father and son team Dave and Shane Feekes tied for fourth. Steve Fazio and Jordan Myers were just out of the money.

In the saddle bronc riding, Ivan Tibbs took first place with an 80 point ride on Sheep Dip. Donavan Beigler of Spokane took second and Danny Aliers of Moxee took home third.

In the bareback riding, the horses did their job and bucked off all but two contestants. Orlan McGuffin of Ellensburg took first and Brian Kurtz of Everett took home second.

The Moses Lake Jr. Rodeo Club would like to thank all the sponsors who supported the drug and alcohol free event. They hope they can make this a tradition for years to come.

— Staff report