Interest revives Beef Information Day
'Quality' program aims to assist cattle producers
GRANT COUNTY — There hasn't been a beef information day for quite a while.
But that's about to change.
A collaborative event between the Washington State University Grant/Adams Area Extension office and Grant County Cattlemen's Association, Grant County Beef Information Day is Dec. 14 from 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall on the Grant County Fairgrounds.
"About 10, 15 years ago, it used to be an annual occurrence, but just because of changing times and position changes, it hasn't been done," animal science Extension Agent Sarah Smith explained. "There's been a renewed interest, so we have come together, and so this is the first one we will have offered in quite some time."
Smith hopes the program provides information to aid cattle producers and their management system to produce high-quality beef and keep their operations profitable.
"We're hoping this is something producers will find beneficial and we can identify topics annually they would like to have discussed, and we can bring in speakers to answer those questions," she said.
Smith said the program is not aiming for a specific number of attendees.
"I think we're going to be fighting weather; if the roads are decent, I think we can expect a decent turnout," she said. "Our goal this year is to make sure we put a quality program out there and the people that do come feel it's of value. And then it will grow."
The morning features a Beef Quality Assurance training and certification by Washington State University Extension. The program updates cattle producers and managers on changes occurring in the industry and management practices they can implement to promote the production of safe, high-quality beef products.
The afternoon session starts with a presentation by Dr. Ben Smith, Washington State Department of Agriculture field veterinarian, on the voluntary National Animal Identification System. Rod Wesselman of the American Angus Association Regional Association, continues the educational presentations with an overview of sire selection and how to determine the value of a bull and performance data.
A panel discussion by cattle buyers, feeders and brokers caps off the day, with topics including the value of genetics, source and process information in their cattle-buying decisions.
The Washington Beef Commission sponsors a barbecue beef sandwich lunch for information day participants. There is no registration fee, but participants must RSVP to the WSU Grant/Adams Extension office at 509-754-2011, ext. 413, by Friday at 5 p.m. to guarantee lunch is provided.
For more information, contact Smith at the extension office or Grant County Cattlemen's Association President Bill Sieverkropp at 509-754-2935.