Tuesday, January 07, 2025


| April 18, 2006 9:00 PM

The Moses Lake School District No. 161 will be accepting sealed bids/quotes for approximately 11,000 sq.ft. replacement/repairs of the MLHS Maroon Gym floor as identified MLSD project specification documents. Complete specification documents can be obtained by contacting the MLSD Facilities Maintenance Office.

Basic Scope of Work

? Unhook & remove bleachers, remove/repair the floor underneath the bleachers in a closed position. Reinstall the bleachers and re-hook them etc.

? Remove existing wall base and thresholds as necessary cut back the existing floor & remove to area designated by owner

? Repair all damage at east end of the gym floor including removal of the existing north-south header and disposal.

? Provide & install a complete Maple wood strip flooring system in accordance with District & MFMA standard specifications.

? Complete the sanding process on this floor to MFMA Standards.

? Furnish and install two coats of specified or equivalent sealer as previously utilized on this floor.

? Reline floor to match existing.

? Redo the graphics to match the existing on this floor.

? Furnish and install three coats of specified or equivalent finish as previously utilized on this floor for a total of five coats.

? Any additional work requested will be performed by approved written change order, field directive, or phone order.

Questions concerning the above requirements may be directed by telephone to the Moses Lake School District Facilities Maintenance Department at 509.766.2683, 7:30a.m. to 3 p.m., M-F.

Quotes/bids will be accepted until May 5th 2006, and will be opened and awarded May 8th 2006. The project must begin no later than 6/19/06 & be completed no later than 8/25/06. It is the responsibility of each bidder to insure that their quote/bid is physically received in the Maintenance Department prior to the above date. No responsibility will be taken by the district for delays in the United States mail, internal-district mail, miss-addressing, misdirected or wrong delivery by any bidder.

Bidders must possess all applicable valid business licenses, insurances & bonding abilities. Bidders are required to file prevailing wage affidavits prior to beginning any work. Bidders are required to file all remaining prevailing wage documentation with WA Dept of L&I prior to project completion. Bidders will assure the Moses Lake School District No. 161 that they will comply with all state and federal guidelines and/or regulations. Therefore, any party wishing to do business with the school district will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap. This is in accordance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, July 26, 1990, P.L. 101-336, and the Title IXI RCW 28A. 640 of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended.

Paul Clark, Facilities Director

509-766-2683 Fax 766-2684

Moses Lake School District No. 161

Facilities Maintenance Office / Bldg 2801/Bay #1

6731 22nd Avenue NE

Moses Lake, WA 98837


Pub.: April 19, 21, 26, 28, 2006