Thursday, March 06, 2025


| July 27, 2005 9:00 PM

July 27, 2005

The Port of Royal Slope has declared the following real property surplus to its needs:

Parcel Number: 2528080130739

Legal Description: Ptn Tax #739 in S 1/2, S 1/2, N 1/2 Section 8, TWP 15, RGE 28 less tax #698 and #740. Consisting of 7.7 acres, more or less, in Adams County, Washington. This acreage is east of the old Taunton Station and runs parallel to Department of Transportation's railroad right of way on the south side. DOT's right of way is 100' from the centerline of the mainline railroad on both north and south sides. Please refer to enclosed map.

The Port is offering said property for sale to the public on the following terms and conditions:

1. The Port has established a minimum bid amount of $3,850.00. All bids must meet or exceed the minimum bid amount established by the Port.

2. Purchaser shall pay all closing costs, exclusive of deed preparation, including but not limited to survey work, title insurance if desired, and filing and recordation costs.

3. All bids must be in writing, sealed, and must contain an amount certain stating the exact dollar amount of the offer.

4. All bids must be delivered to the Port's office located at 130 Camelia Street; P.O. Box 147, Royal City, WA 99357 by 7:00 p.m. on August 9, 2005. The bids will be opened at the Commissioner's meeting that evening.

5. The conveyance shall be made by quitclaim deed.

6. The Port reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

Any questions regarding the property or the bid process should be directed to Cathy Potter at (509) 346-2317.


Pub.: July 27, 2005