Tuesday, January 07, 2025


| December 9, 2005 8:00 PM


APPLICANT: City of Moses Lake

P.O. Box 1579

Moses Lake, WA 98837-0244

FACILITY: City of Moses Lake Larson WWTP

Moses Lake, WA 98837

The City of Moses Lake has requested a permit modification to their State Waste Discharge Permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and Chapter 173-216 Washington Administrative Code (WAC).

The permittee has sent the department a written request to amend the permit. The requested changes and the rationale are:

1. The current requirement for a Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) limit be deleted. Weekly testing of TKN, Nitrate (NO3) and Total Nitrogen (TN) is being conducted and the TKN limit does not appear to add anything of value. Making adjustments to keep the TKN level below 2 mg/L can be made, but the result is an increase in TN, which is not beneficial or protective of groundwater.

2. The Total Nitrogen (TN) limit of 8 mg/L be increased to 10 mg/L which is the drinking water standard.

General Condition G3 and G4 provide for the modification of the permit when good cause is evident and require submission of a new permit application or a supplement to the application. The letter requesting the change and the approved engineering report are an adequate supplement and the General Conditions have been complied with.

Ecology has determined that the permit should be modified to remove the Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) limit from the permit. The Total Nitrogen (TN) limit should remain at 8 mg/L as the approved engineering report demonstrates that the plant is capable of meeting the limit and to raise it would not be protective of background.


Ecology is seeking public comment on the proposed permit. Comments should reference specific text followed by proposed modification or concern when possible. Comments may address technical issues, accuracy and completeness of information, the scope of the facility's proposed coverage, adequacy of environmental protection and permit conditions, or any other concern that would result from issuance of this permit. Comments must be submitted within thirty (30) days after publication of this notice to be considered for the Final Determination. Comments should be sent to:

Department of Ecology

Attn: Water Quality Permit Coordinator

4601 N. Monroe

Spokane, WA 99205-1295

Any interested party may request a public hearing on the proposed permit within thirty (30) days of the publication date on this notice. The request for a hearing shall state the interest of the party and the reasons why a hearing is necessary. The request should be sent to the above address. The Department will hold a hearing if it determines that there is significant public interest. If a hearing is to be held, public notice will be published at least thirty (30) days in advance of the hearing date. In addition, any party responding to this notice with comments will be mailed a copy of a hearing public notice.

The application, fact sheet, proposed permit and other related documents are available at the Departments' Eastern Regional Office for inspection and copying between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays. Copies may be obtained at a charge of 15 cents per copy sheet.

This notice, the fact sheet, and proposed permit are also available for viewing and downloading at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/permits/eastern_permits.html.

Please bring this information to the attention of persons you know would be interested in this matter.

Ecology is an equal opportunity agency. If you need this publication in an alternate format, please contact us at (509) 329-3537 or TTY (for the speech and hearing impaired) at 711 or 1-800-833-6388.


Pub.: December 12, 2005