Sunday, May 19, 2024

Letter: Trust God, not technology

| February 23, 2023 1:00 AM

I recently got the chance to see the limited showing of the “Left Behind” movie which is based on the Biblical teaching regarding the return of Jesus for his bride (the Church) and the tribulation of the end times. The timeline of end times depicted in the movie is described throughout the Bible culminating in the Book of Revelation. It is pretty easy to see things taking shape when you consider the push towards a one world government (globalism), social credit scores to control behavior (think buying and selling, et cetera), and the ever-popular “never let a catastrophe go to waste” technique used by those in power to achieve a desired outcome. I read a book not too long ago where the atheist/globalist author mocked God and detailed how man is god and that we through science, trans-humanism, and genetic engineering will achieve utopia and immortality. All of these things are the precursor to the coming of “the man of lawlessness” depicted in the movie and foretold in the Bible.

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